Reviews Oculax

  • Intan
    I began to notice that I could no longer distinguish people's faces. I went to the doctor, the doctor confirmed my fears, my vision dropped by 2 diopters. I drank a Oculax treatment, my vision returned after 10 days. I am very satisfied with the result of the treatment. I recommend!
  • Andri
    For a long time I was looking for a vitamin complex for the eyes, which contains B vitamins and zinc. I liked the composition of the drug Oculax. Thanks to him, I forgot what eye fatigue is.
  • Silvia
    Due to the fact that I work on the computer, my eyesight started to deteriorate. A colleague advised me to try the Oculax vitamin complex. I underwent a treatment with the help of these capsules, my eyesight went from -3 to 1. I am satisfied.
  • Kiki
    I always suffered from poor eyesight and decided to have an operation. After the operation, vision returned, but there were dry mucous membranes, pain in the eyes. The doctor advised Oculax. After the course, dryness and pain have disappeared, I feel good.
  • Kiki
    I work as a teacher and review many students' written work, prepare for classes on the computer. Eyes were very tired, vision began to deteriorate. A friend advised me to take Oculax. With him, the eyes became less susceptible to external stimuli, the clarity of vision increased.
Rating Oculax